Monday, 27 January 2014

Time to fulfil a new year's resolution for once.

So as you can tell by the very poorly constructed and overlong title, I have been meaning to getting around to finally doing this. For awhile now, I have been wanting to set up a blog but unfortunately I have constantly been hitting a blank about just what to do. And then the other day, when I was finishing another book (bit of a book worm I'm afraid). Why not book reviews. Hardly original I can hear you all scream. YES ALL OF YOU. I have written them in the past and really enjoyed it. And to say that I always have a nose in a book is an understatement. Sometimes my entire top half can be found buried in one. And sometimes that is literally the case (especially when you see the stack of books in my locker that never seems to end).

Now luckily for me, and hopefully for some of you out there who enjoy reading book reviews, I work at a publishers in grand old London. I don't have the most glamourous job there, but one massive perk is getting access to literally endless amount of books. Now here is where I explain the title of my blog. We send out hundreds of charity books out every month, a huge range of titles all of which intrigue and capture my attention, except for those dreadful books with a man's torso on (although the visuals can sometimes be appealing). All of these books add to the pile of novels in my locker, each waiting for one before it to be finished, before finally being pulled out and read. Now I always ensure that any book I do take for myself always goes back into a charity box, or it is passed onto my mother's place of work, where they sell books for the hospital she works at. A little bit of good that I try to do.

I'm not one of those people to be put off by book covers. I will literally try reading anything. Those of you who decide to keep up with my ramblings will begin to notice this. And also just as a pre- warning, many of the books I review will not be brand new titles. On the occasion when I do get a new one, of course it will be there for you all to pick apart and criticise. So there will be some golden oldies in there as well, as I look down the pile and see Fitzgerald wedged in there. And every post will have where you can go and snap up any of the books that I may trigger some interest in. A final warning, these posts will be sporadic. As I finish up a book, another review will appear in due course. Sometimes, if I'm feeling daring, I'll even post one I've read before I decided to get my fingers typing something useful.

To finish up, a little about me. The name is Antony. Notice there is no H lurking in there. I'm an English graduate from Bournemouth University, now residing in the leafy and sometimes floody Surrey suburbs of London, working in central London. I'm 21 and am starting to run out of breath when I run up the escalators on the Tube. Maybe I have the wrong new years' resolution.

Until the last page turns... xoxo

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